Learning to Live was made possible through the work and ministry of Christ City Church in Washington, DC, and thus through the financial generosity of the members of the church. We have made this resource available for free online because we do not want finances to be a barrier to your discipleship and spiritual formation. However, if Learning to Live has been helpful in any way and you are in a position where God has blessed you with resources, please consider giving to support this ongoing work.
Learning to Live is also available as a hardcopy workbook. The workbooks cost $10 to print, but as with this website, we wanted to make it available to as many people as possible. If you'd like to order a workbook, please fill in the contact form and we'll get in touch!
If you're not able to pay for the workbook right now, that's okay; but if you are able to pay for a workbook and/or to cover someone else's (or multiple someones'), please click the link below and select "Learning to Live" from the dropdown menu.
This is what church is about: supporting one another and covering one another, including tangibly and financially.